
"Streams of Healing" is a one-of-a-kind centralized resource for readers to discover the history and methodologies of key models in the inner healing movement. This, along with powerful stories and testimonials of personal transformation, will propel the reader forward into his or her own healing journey. Each chapter also includes information on how to receive healing ministry and training from the models represented. This is a must-have resource for healing, transformation, and breakthrough.
Amidst the global shaking over the last couple of years, Streams of Healing is a key book for this hour. The “generals of inner healing and deliverance” have converged their anointings and methodologies to compile a comprehensive practical manual to equip and minister to the body of Christ. You will receive a tangible impartation while being equipped with practical tools for both personal freedom and to set free those who are “captive.” As many streams become one river, get ready for a powerful journey into deeper waters with Him! I highly recommend this book!
Dr. Tony Kim
Co-Senior Leader, Renaissance Church
Executive Director, Harvest International Ministry
Senior Leader, Roar Collective
I have loved every podcast - they are inspiring, informational, and transformational. The content is rich in substance, and I appreciate the vulnerability of Melinda and Cathy when interviewing, and their comments afterward. I look forward to each new one that comes out.
Dr. Tony Kim
“Streams of Healing: Finding your Way to Wholeness with Key Leaders in the Inner Healing Movement" is a compilation project including 12 pioneering voices within the inner healing movement. They represent some of the main headwaters from which many of today's inner healing streams flow.
“Streams of Healing: Finding your Way to Wholeness with Key Leaders in the Inner Healing Movement" is a compilation project including 12 pioneering voices within the inner healing movement. They represent some of the main headwaters from which many of today's inner healing streams flow.
For those seeking to find their way through the inner healing movement, this book provides exactly that. With powerful stories and testimonials of personal transformation. Each chapter includes information on how to receive healing ministry and training from the pioneering voices within the inner healing movement.
Discover the history and methodologies of some of today's most influential models in inner healing ministry. This powerful resource will enable readers to understand each pioneer's why, when, and how while being encouraged by personal stories and testimonials of transformation.
What a beautiful presentation of healing in the body of Christ! So many colors and styles and yet the same “one Spirit” is clearly working through them all. If you have a passion for binding up the brokenhearted, this is a resource you’ll find indispensable.
Sarah Thiessen
What a beautiful presentation of healing in the body of Christ! So many colors and styles and yet the same “one Spirit” is clearly working through them all. If you have a passion for binding up the brokenhearted, this is a resource you’ll find indispensable.
Sarah Thiessen
Discover the history and methodologies of some of today's most influential models in inner healing ministry. This powerful resource will enable readers to understand each pioneer's why, when, and how while being encouraged by personal stories and testimonials of transformation.